About Us

Mission - The mission of North Newton Elementary School is that we will ensure that each student succeeds.
Core Values - All Children can and will learn. Through our family atmosphere based upon mutual respect among students and staff:
Diversity is celebrated
Risk-taking is encouraged
A compassionate and safe environment is fostered
Everyone feels a sense of belonging
Community and parental involvement are essential for our success
Demographics - North Newton is a suburban elementary school. North Newton currently has 395 students: 30% Caucasian, 11% Asian, 10% African American, 38% Hispanic and 11% Multi-Racial. North Newton has 76% of students who qualify for free/reduced lunches.
Program Offerings - North Newton delivers the NC Standard Course of Study through numerous academic programs including; Eureka! Math K-5, Wonders Reading Program K-5, and Exact Path. Teachers utilize instructional guides to ensure proper coverage of content as they incorporate leveled readers, novels, Battle of the Books, and a focus on inquiry-based, hands-on learning. All certified staff participates in structured Professional Learning Community meetings which are facilitated by our Instructional Coach.